Gamification in the teaching process of portuguese and spanish: an account of experience in the IFSP Avaré


  • Maressa de Freitas VIEIRA IFSP, Avaré, Brasil
  • Aparecida Campideli HOYOS IFSP, Avaré, Brasil


Gamification, Grammar teaching, Spanish language teaching, Portuguese language teaching


In the search for a teaching of a productive language teaching, in 2017, two extension projects were developed in the IFSP-Avaré intended for high school students from the city and region: "SOS Gramática", focused on Portuguese, and "Abanico" , on Spanish. The initial objectives were to reelaborate the prescriptive and descriptive teachings of the languages in question through "gamification", to demystify the false difficulties and to teach the importance of grammatical knowledge. The projects was supported by graduating students of Languages that were taken to think about the teaching of the grammar and its implications. As a result, there was a remarkable improvement in the sociability of the participants when performing tasks in a team, an interaction of students from different classes, the linguistic improvement in the languages approached and the consequent formation of a critical, reflective and communicative citizen.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, M. de F. ., & HOYOS, E. A. C. . (2018). Gamification in the teaching process of portuguese and spanish: an account of experience in the IFSP Avaré . evista BTecLE, 2(2), 110–123. etrieved from