Internationalization; Migration; Language Teaching; Mapping; University, Internationalization, Migration, Language Teaching, Mapping, UniversityAbstract
This extension project aimed to map and promote the languages that are spoken at USP by the faculty and students, as well as the speakers of languages less present in the university's linguistic scenario, but who reside in the municipality and metropolitan area. In addition to mapping, teaching-learning activities with multiple linguistic and cultural experiences were created and promoted. It was intended, therefore, to act on two fronts: a) locate the languages spoken at USP and make them more present, attracting the external community and b) locate languages spoken in the municipality and in the metropolitan area of São Paulo and bring them into the University. Thus, we believe that the University will have a closer contact with the internal and external community, which will also be able to have access to and get to know USP in a more active way, attracting new audiences and valuing the potential of its human resources, especially in the scope of internationalization, either through migration or academic mobility.
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