
  • Diane da Rocha Pinheiro


Aquisição; Aprendizagem; Vocabulário; Desenhos


This work aims to analyze the use of drawings made by students in the acquisition of vocabulary in English, based on an investigation of the classes taught in elementary school I. Initially, a theoretical reading is presented to contextualize the importance of teaching vocabulary covering a historical path in the trajectory of teaching vocabulary learning. A period of activities in English language classes in 3rd grade in elementary school was used in data collection, which involved three classes, while in the classes a questionnaire was carried out with the students. Four teachers who teach English in a public school in São Paulo were also interviewed. The monitoring was carried out in order to understand the relevance of teaching using representative images in the acquisition and expansion of vocabulary by students.


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How to Cite

da Rocha Pinheiro, D. (2022). ACQUISITION OF VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE MEDIATED BY DRAWINGS. evista BTecLE, 6(1), 74–91. etrieved from