The use of Neologisms in Audio and Music Production


  • Dulce Helena SOARES Faculdade de Tecnologia de Tatuí, Tatuí, São Paulo, Brasil


Neologisms, Audio and music production, Translations, Terminology


This work aims to express the reasons why neologisms are used in Audio and Music Production in Brazil, showing some of the terms and their meanings from the research of the translations of texts in that area. The translated material comes from the study program of the Audio and Music Production course from Fatec Tatuí which was translated and investigated by the Translation Study Center - “Núcleo de Traduções”, a study group constituted of English proficient students and the English teacher of the course. This little research intends to result into a glossary of the relevant terminology in the area for the pupils’ gain


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How to Cite

SOARES, D. H. . (2019). The use of Neologisms in Audio and Music Production . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 219–229. etrieved from