The English language in an International Trade Technological Course: a target situation analysis
English for Specific Purposes, Needs analysis, International Trade technological course, Target situationAbstract
This study aims at identifying the usage of the English language by the students of an International Trade undergraduate technological course in their future professional field. It’s theoretical background is based on the English for specific purposes approach according to HUTCHINSON e WATERS (1987); DUDLEY-EVANS e Tt. JOHN (1998), among others). In order to obtain the data needed to accomplish the research, questionnaires were administered to 44 students who work in the international trade field and an international trade professor who has great experience in the area. The data resulting from the questionnaires enabled me to identify interview questions and the everyday tasks the students have to perform in English at work. The study presented here hopes to make an original contribution to the English language teaching and learning in the perspective of the ESP approach, showing results that may aid the preparation of material concerning the English language for International Trade courses.
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