Optimizing foreign language teaching through linguistic theories


  • Maísa SANCASSANI Etec “Professor Urias Ferreira”, Jaú/SP, Brasil


Acquisition of second language, Model Monitor, Linguistic input


This paper aims to demonstrate how linguistic theories may support the socio-interactionist vision present in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais and supply the teacher with resources to implement his/her classroom performance. We sought to explore foundational concepts such as inatism and language acquisition and point them as key theoretical points that can contribute to the reflection about the practice of foreign language teaching. Krashen's theory, considering mainly the Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter, demonstrates that there are innate characteristics of the mental apparatus capable of spontaneously assimilating a foreign language if certain conditions are satisfied. We conclude that it is possible to systematize knowledge about the nature of language in favor of a more efficient teaching-learning model. Finally, we assign to teachers the central role for the implementation of a transformation of language teaching, drawing attention to the need of a constant improvement in teacher training and qualification.


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How to Cite

SANCASSANI , M. (2019). Optimizing foreign language teaching through linguistic theories . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 230–245. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/112019176