

  • Maria Auxiliadora Matias
  • Regiane Souza Camargo Fatec
  • Vanessa Cristhina Gatto Fatec


Keywords: Spanish foreign language; Quizizz; Active methodology.


This document reports on a didactic experience that utilizes Connectivism and Active Methodologies in the process of learning Spanish and self-regulation. The objective is to identify how students perceive the construction of their knowledge through the use of gamification. The investigation is based on learning theories for the digital age, such as personalization and the integration of technology in education. The study involves the creation of games using the Quizizz interactive platform. Data analysis indicates that since the introduction of games, students have developed their digital literacy and autonomy in technology while also seeking organizational routes for knowledge. The results of this investigation confirm that we are in an era of collective intelligence, where students transition from being mere spectators to potential protagonists.


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How to Cite

Matias, M. A., Camargo, R. S., & Gatto, V. C. . (2023). Español. evista BTecLE, 7(1), 136–150. etrieved from

