Game-Based Formative Assessment in the English for Business Discipline in Technological Undergraduate Courses


  • Diego Ribeiro Santos Fatec Osasco


Formative assessment, Game-based learning, English for business, Active methodologies, Technological undergraduate courses


This article presents an experience report on a pedagogical practice in the discipline of English for business in technological undergraduate courses in two higher education institutions. The main aim was to examine the use of game-based formative assessment to consolidate the learning of grammatical items, vocabulary, and expressions in the business area in English through active methodologies mediated by digital games used both in the classroom and remotely. Formative assessment, both in-person and remote, was based on various activities such as board games; quizzes; memory games; matching games; word searches, and crosswords. The game-based formative assessment proved to be effective and positive according to the evidence collected in the classroom during and after the game practice in the English for business disciplines of the courses under investigation in this research.

Author Biography

Diego Ribeiro Santos, Fatec Osasco

Diego Ribeiro Santos é Doutor (2022) e Mestre em Hospitalidade pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2016), Especialista em Gestão Escolar: Supervisão, Orientação e Coordenação pela Universidade Estácio de Sá (2014), Especialista em Língua Inglesa pela Universidade São Judas (2009), graduado em Letras - Português e Inglês, pela Universidade São Marcos (2007).


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Santos, D. (2023). Game-Based Formative Assessment in the English for Business Discipline in Technological Undergraduate Courses. evista BTecLE, 7(1), 041–054. etrieved from

