Language. Social activity. Saussure. Bakhtin. William Labov.Abstract
This article deals with the notion of language as a social fact and its reworking undertaken by Ferdinand Saussure and Mikhael Bakhtin. This work aims to present basic concepts about language/language. To this end, Saussurian studies will be presented regarding language as a system of signs, as well as Bakhtin's ideals that aim at language as a social activity. In order to present advances about this study, counterpoints will be established between the aforementioned authors. For that, there are guidelines on the contributions of the study of sociolinguistics to language teaching, in view of the interaction bias. Finally, a parallel will be made in the defense of the thesis, with the author William Labov (2008), who will talk about language study (gem) considering the linguistic varieties, the structuring, organization and recognition of this area as a specific field of study of language.
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MACÊDO, Wilza Karla Leão de. Por Saussure E Bakhtin: Concepções Sobre Língua/Linguagem. Disponível em:<> Acesso em 25/04/2023 às 20:34