teaching; English; heterogeneity; interdisciplinarity; internationalization.Abstract
This article registers a teaching proposal implemented in the Instrumental English curricular component, in the Higher Technology in Management Processes Course at the Federal Institute of Paraná, Campus Colombo, in the first half of 2023. The profile of each student and the different learning times motivated this endeavor. These factors influence the teaching-learning process, particularly when acquiring another language. With three teachers acting concurrently, the class was divided into three smaller groups, according to the level of knowledge of the language they presented in the placement test. A contextualized approach was adopted, in solidarity with the students' individual differences, interdisciplinary in the curricular matrix and with actions related to internationalization. The results described by the students are: perception of their evolution concerning the beginning of the component; unlocking and motivation to study the language; desire to use the language in the professional environment; desire to participate in in-class activities in smaller groups; dynamic aspect of the classes and differentiated attention from the teachers. The results achieved allow us to state that the approach described here provides opportunities for inclusion, encouraging students to believe in themselves, preparing them to act professionally in the world of work in an integral way. It is recommended to apply this practice in teaching other languages.
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