
  • Daniele Alvarenga Universidade de Taubaté/ Centro Paula Souza


Dialogism; Chronotope; Woman; Advertisement.


This article's general objective is to highlight the way in which the female figure was constituted throughout this period in the print advertisements of the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, in the editions from 1960 to 2020. Eighteen Sunday editions were selected, three from each decade, for a pre-analysis. The publications were chosen according to the criterion of the use of the verbo-visual figure of the woman in the advertisement. Based on this data, we selected the ads whose themes are most recurrent or reflect a change in social behavior. The theoretical foundation is based on the concepts of Bakhtin and the Circle, especially their studies on Dialogism, Concrete Enunciation, Discourse Genres and Chronotope. Other studies were added to complement the theoretical foundation and shed light on the socio-historical aspects of each period, such as Beauvoir (2019a); Dondis (2013), Carvalho (1996), Carrascoza (1999) and Buitoni (2009). The analysis of the data allows us to conclude that the image of women in the selected period was related to household products, such as household appliances, the idea of being available to look after the family and the direct relationship to the standard aesthetic beauty of each era, establishing a place of submission and secondary status for women, without giving them a space to speak.


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How to Cite

Alvarenga, D. (2023). A DIALOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CONSTITUTION OF WOMEN IN THE NEWSPAPER FOLHA DE S. PAULO. evista BTecLE, 7(2), 144–157. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1146