
  • Renata Francisco Dias UERJ


Technologies in Education, Critical Curriculum Theory, UNESCO, Critical Discourse Alalysis


Currently, it is nearly impossible to consider education without contemplating the use of digital technologies. However, this relationship is often perceived uncritically and devoid of problematization. This article aims to reflect on this perspective and the meanings produced in school curricula through it. Grounded in the principles of Critical Curriculum Theory and drawing on Michael Apple as a primary theoretical framework, the objective of this study is to understand the relationship established through the use of technologies in education and the potentialities that emerge towards a counter-hegemonic curriculum proposal. Therefore, different senses of technology are discussed, and utilizing Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis as a methodological framework, a recent UNESCO publication on this topic is analyzed to comprehend the different voices impacting curriculum thinking in the country. In conclusion, it is possible to discern that even though we are far from achieving social justice regarding the use of technologies in education, it is conceivable to envision a curriculum that opposes this imposed hegemonic logic.


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How to Cite

Francisco Dias, R. (2023). TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND THE UNESCO DISCOURSE: A CRITICAL ALALYSIS. evista BTecLE, 7(2), 106–122. etrieved from