The others´words in a specialized discourse

translation from a dialogic perspective on language


  • Luciene Novais Mazza Pólux Traduções XT, Campinas, Brasil


Translation; Specialized discourse; Dialogic discourse analysis.


The different subjects are positioned in the same plane of the discourse in a relation of reciprocity under different points of view, thus providing the representation of the discourse of others through the dialogic forms. In the sense, the word of others is not a relation of equivalence, because it is conceived for a third party: the recipient, which we here classify as the subject translator. Thus, for this work, our main objective is to anticipate, by juxtaposing the concept of the word of others with the discourse of specialty within a tenuous logic, the linguistic differences presented in a health specialty document, translated into English translators from different nationalities, cultures and languages, and who are allocated in different units of the company where the document is originally produced. It is therefore established that there is a clash of voices and ideas, causing the latent word to be pronounced in such a way that the distant subjects approach, analogous to what Bakhtin says, in the same way as the figures on the playing cards, “contraries meet, they look at each other, they reflect on each other, they know and understand one another.”


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How to Cite

Mazza, L. N. (2023). The others´words in a specialized discourse: translation from a dialogic perspective on language. evista BTecLE, 7(2), 017–033. etrieved from