
  • Michelle de Carvalho Santos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


News titles, Clickbait, Journalistic Discourse, Discourse Analysis


Journalistic news no longer has its own spaces, mainly printed newspapers and television screens, the Brazilian and global press have been reconfigured in recent decades to inhabit the digital environment. On computer and cell phone screens, the circulation of information follows a new logic of speed and search for quantitative results, just as in the production of goods. The objective of this work is to demonstrate which discursive resources of organizations that broadcast news are used in the fight for clicks from their readers-clients, as well as demonstrating the urgency of specific teaching on the practice of discursive analysis. As an object of analysis, they are strategic news titles that publicize, in national and European press, the discovery of a fossil of an ancestor of living African monkeys and humans. From the perspective of Discourse Analysis, a comparative reading is carried out between a scientific article that reports the discovery of a fossil in Turkey and the digital news titles that talked about this discovery. To discuss the relationships between journalistic discourse and the social processes of meaning conditioned by the choices of titles, the theoretical contribution of Michel Foucault and Patrick Charaudeau is used. Keywords: Discourse analysis; journalistic discourse; clickbait; news titles.



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How to Cite

de Carvalho Santos, M. (2024). O TÍTULO, A ISCA E A NOTÍCIA. evista BTecLE, 8(1), 192–202. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1190