
  • Mônica Oliveira Raimundo Unitau/Ceeteps


Street art, Linguistic-semiotic analysis, Dialogism


This article's theme is the semiotic linguistic analysis of visual art in urban spaces as a form of language and cultural manifestation, to be applied in teaching Portuguese in the final years of Elementary and High School. The choice for the theme is justified because visual art is a product of the discursive interaction between the artist and his sociocultural context, being supported by Basic Education and specific language skills, prescribed in the BNCC (Brazil, 2018). Given this context, the research aims to explore the linguistic and textual aspects of the works of art by the artist Banksy, recognized worldwide as a street artist, former graffiti artist, political activist and British filmmaker, based on Bakhtinian concepts of language and semiotic analysis. . It is concluded that linguistic-semiotic analysis aims to improve the reading of image content, through the understanding of visual elements and the dialogical relationship present in the corpus of analysis, in which it is possible to identify different voices that influence the artist in his choices, whether through the chosen theme or through its ideological positioning.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Raimundo, M. (2024). A PROPOSAL FOR A LINGUISTIC-SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE WORKS OF STREET ARTIST BANKSY. evista BTecLE, 8(1). etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1192