Planning and rethinking: a mutual needs analysis


  • Luciana Moraes Silva OCTAVIANO ETEC Prof. Massuyuki Kawano, Tupã, Brasil


Needs Analysis, Learning, Replanning


The constant technological, economic, cultural and social impacts on society lead us to rethink the role of education and the role of teachers nowadays, providing a review of the educators’ performance, beginning with teacher reflection on teaching plans, teaching materials and pedagogical practices. Thus, it was proposed to the group of students enrolled in the Secondary School of the Technical School Professor Massuyuki Kawano, the participation in a research through the adapted questionnaire on Needs Analysis (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987)1 with the purpose of studying needs, wishes and learning gaps. The results of the research and the bibliographical review enabled the teacher reflection and the replanning of the teaching process, once it was identified changes in the study needs of each beginning group, each school year; and that frustrations about the learning process are minimized when the elements that cause limitations are identified.


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How to Cite

OCTAVIANO, L. M. S. . (2018). Planning and rethinking: a mutual needs analysis . evista BTecLE, 2(2), 192–204. etrieved from