Jogos de Tabuleiro Modernos, Ensino-Aprendizagem, Língua Portuguesa, Professor, Metodologias AtivasAbstract
This article has the point to present the effects of the teaching of grammatical contents provided by the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) for the 6th. and 7th. of elementary school through modern board games. The methodology adopted resulted in the adaptation of games with application in the classroom. It was observed that modern board games have positive value in teaching-learning of students, contributing to the academic process in a challenging and fun way. The role of the teacher gains prominence, by promoting an environment conducive to the student's confidence and individualized look, providing space for interaction and protagonism. Therefore, teaching through modern board games is important for individual and collective development, and it is up to the teacher, most often adapt or create games, to achieve a determined end.
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