The elaboration of foreign language courses applied to business by professors in LEA-NI/UFPB


  • Pedro Paulo Nunes da SILVA Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brasil


LEA-NI, Languages for business purposes, Course design


This research presents the construction of foreign language courses applied to business by professors in the bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages Applied to International Negotiations, at the Federal University of Paraíba (LEA-NI / UFPB). During seven semesters, all students must study three foreign languages (Spanish, French and English) for specific purposes. In this study, it is analyzed how and by whom the structuring of the courses titled Spanish / French / English Applied to Business is carried out, ascertaining the design of these disciplines from the years 2012 to 2016. Through questionnaires, six professors participated: two Spanish, one French and three English teachers. After analyzing the collected data, it was concluded that, despite the diversity of perspectives present in the reports, the design of the analyzed courses follows the standards seen in LSP, meeting the needs of students in their respective target situations.


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How to Cite

SILVA, P. P. N. da . (2018). The elaboration of foreign language courses applied to business by professors in LEA-NI/UFPB . evista BTecLE, 2(2), 014–032. etrieved from