Technical area and common core: an example of convergence between the universe of Fashion Production and English language teaching


  • Ingrid Trioni Nunes MACHADO Instituto Federal do Paraná, Goioerê, Brasil


English Language, Fashion Production, Communicative Approach


The knowledge of a foreign language facilitates the interaction and participation of the individual in the globalized world as well as in the world of work, ensuring, thus, his/her inclusion in the reflections of the current world society. From this observation, the Pictionary project consists of producing a picture dictionary for words in the universe of Fashion Production. From parts of clothing, objects, instruments that are specific of a laboratory, workshop, walkway or even a modeling or sewing room, research will be carried out to find out the equivalent terms in English. Then, after a survey of these entries, students participating in the project will make a connection between the word translated into English with the images, pictures and figures chosen.


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How to Cite

MACHADO, I. T. N. . (2018). Technical area and common core: an example of convergence between the universe of Fashion Production and English language teaching . evista BTecLE, 2(2), 002–013. etrieved from