Language, drama and adaptations: an experience with theatre in Italian language classes
Teaching of Italian language, Literature, Adapted literature, Applied linguistics, TheaterAbstract
This article presents the construction stages of the interdisciplinary project titled "Language, Drama and Adaptations: Literature and Theater in Italian Language Classes", performed with Theater students enrolled in the Italian Language I course at the State University of Amazonas and the analysis of theatre as a complementary tool in foreign language teaching. In this project, the skills of reading, memorizing and pronunciation were developed through the adaptation of a literary text to the theater. The approximation with the literature of the studied language resulted, therefore, in the amplification of the contents contemplated by the discipline. To that end, we used the glottodrama method (BRUCCIARELLI et al., 2009) and the application of theater in the classroom (GRANERO, 2011), based on the assumption that language and culture are inseparable and that the apprentice is, for excellence, the protagonist of the teaching and learning process.
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