Multimodality in social and imagetic representations of tasks III of the proficiency examination in portuguese Celpe- Bras
Celpe-Bras, Multimodality, ProficiencyAbstract
This article aims to examine the imagery and social representations in CelpeBras tasks III applied in 2013/1 and 2015/2 using qualitative research as a guiding method of investigation, as it is based on observation and interpretation of the evidence in order to study about how the proficiency exam in Portuguese - Celpe-Bras deals with and passes to Brazilian candidates and imagery social questions. Having done the research with image and written texts based on the critical and multimodal analysis of the authors Kress (2001), Vieira (2010), Ferraz (2011) and Ramos (2007), the results attested to the fact that the analyzed evidence sought to provoke reflection on the positive professional growth of Brazilian women. This result answered the questions that motivated the research as the reason why the editorial texts were used, in view of their convincing power and how women were represented in the images.
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