Media speech and principles of communication in a semiolinguistic perspective


  • André de Moura CARVALHO UFPI, Teresina, Brasil
  • Viviane Garcêz de OLIVEIRA UFPI, Teresina, Brasil/CAPES/FAPEPI
  • João Benvindo de MOURA UFPI, Teresina, Brasil


Semiolinguistic theory, Principles of communication, Carta capital magazine


Based on Patrick Charaudeau's Semiolinguistic Theory (2001, 2016), this paper aims to unveil how the media communication contract is established, with emphasis on the principles in an opinion column written by the journalist Marcos Coimbra, published on March 28, 2018 in Carta Capital magazine. The adoption of the epistemological perspective is due to the fact that the enunciating subject presents concepts that contribute to an understanding of the conditions of production that direct the realization of the act of language, embracing, in this process, those involved in the communicative situation. For the analyzes, it was made an application of the theoretical postulates proposed by the author, adapting them to the study's object in focus. Taking account the results, we verified that the discourses conveyed by the subject (the speaker), which in this case it's the columnist himself, allows the access to the principles that enable the conditions of communication.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, A. de M. ., OLIVEIRA , V. G. de ., & MOURA, J. B. de . (2019). Media speech and principles of communication in a semiolinguistic perspective . evista BTecLE, 3(2), 083–098. etrieved from