Dialogical analysis of the nosedive episode
Otherness, Ideology, Black MirrorAbstract
Understanding the virtual and real world goes beyond simply making use of internet applications, it is necessary to know when and why to use it. Thinking about this issue and having access to the “Black Mirror” series, one realizes there is a virtual immersion, in which many of the actions are related to technology, especially in the world of the Internet. For this paper, a bibliographical research on the theory of discursive and dialogical analysis of the Bakhtinian circle was carried out, focusing on the constitution of otherness and construction of new social ideologies. Therefore, we examined the speech broadcast in the first episode of the third season of the “Black Mirror” series, called “Nosedive”, translated into Portuguese as “Queda Livre”. This study aims to analyze the discourse of virtual immersion presented in the episode, as there is a dependence on technology for survival and even to be part of a certain social circle
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