The technology in the center of the universe: the proioncentric education


  • Daniella de Almeida Santos Ferreira de MENEZES Escola de Especialistas de Aeronáutica, Guaratinguetá, Brasil


Distance education, Technology, Proioncentrism, Discourse Analysis


This paper focuses on one aspect of my doctoral thesis defended in 2018, at the University of São Paulo. It discusses the role of technology, specifically of the computer connected to the internet, as an essential resource of pedagogical mediation in digital education times. The corpus of analysis comprises comments taken from a discussion forum on the internet in a distance post-graduation course in further learning teaching, in a Brazilian university. It was adopted the analytical-interpretative methodology under a discursive bias, resorting to Pêcheux’s theory of discourse analysis, as well as the concept of psychonalytical subject, the concepts of subjectivity and modes of subjection, postulated by Foucault, and the so-called concept “proioncentrism”, developed in my thesis. This paper aims to question the role of technology as the center of the teaching and learning process.


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How to Cite

MENEZES, D. de A. S. F. de . (2020). The technology in the center of the universe: the proioncentric education . evista BTecLE, 4(2), 12–30. etrieved from