Reading and writing in a Portuguese language teaching material: an analysis from the perspective of the Sydney School genre-based pedagogy


  • Daniela da Silva CARDOSO SEDUC-SP, Mauá/SP, Brasil; UNIFESP, Guarulhos/SP, Brasil
  • Maria Beatriz de Azevedo RAMOS SEE-MG, Varginha/MG, Brasil; UNIFESP, Guarulhos/SP, Brasil
  • Maria Eugenia BATISTA UNIFESP, Guarulhos/SP, Brasil


Genre-based pedagogy, Teaching-learning cycle, Portuguese language teaching, Teaching Material


The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of the reading and writing processes presented by a unit in a teaching material in light of the Sydney School Genre-based Pedagogy. Our theoretical background is based on the Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 2014) and the Genre-based Pedagogy (ROSE; MARTIN, 2012). We made use of a qualitative methodological approach to conduct the analysis of a unit used to teach Portuguese to year 7 in state schools in São Paulo. The results indicate that the teaching material has potential to be approached from the Teaching and Learning Cycle perspective. However, we have also observed that the material poses great challenges to teachers as far as Joint Construction is concerned so that it can lead to Independent Construction by means of emancipatory teaching practices to reach effective reading and writing competences.


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How to Cite

CARDOSO, D. da S. ., RAMOS, M. B. de A. ., & BATISTA, M. E. . (2021). Reading and writing in a Portuguese language teaching material: an analysis from the perspective of the Sydney School genre-based pedagogy . evista BTecLE, 5(3), 184–202. etrieved from