Ensino Remoto, Pandemia, Ensino Superior Tecnológico, Aulas de InglêsAbstract
Covid-19 pandemic presented in an unexpected way to everyone and measures to assure life, health, and (re)think the classroom with the emergency remote education, which was unknown to everyone, were necessary. The schools had to adapt and adjust to the protection measures and such changes resulted in a considerable challenge concerning the classes’ planning, execution, and evaluation. This article aims to present and report the experience, in English language classes, of two professors-researchers at a Faculty of Technological Higher Education, with didactic transposition in emergency remote teaching (BEHAR, 2020) caused by the covid-19 pandemic and based on remote teaching emergency. The methodology used was a questionnaire where the data collected are analyzed based on the narratives and individual experiences of the participating students. With preliminary results, we can say that the emergency remote teaching does not impair the English language learning, what harms is the lack of previous knowledge from the students.
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