Communicative Competence, English Language, Oral ProductionAbstract
The theme of this study is a result of worries about the quality of English language (EL) students’ oral production as a foreign language (FL) in real situations of interaction. For this reason, this paper aims at verifying in teaching-learning situations the development of English language students’ communicative competence, the communication strategies used by students and teachers in the negotiation of meanings through interaction between interlocutors and how teaching grammar and/or the communicative use can lead a student to communicate appropriately in different situations of social interaction. Thus, the following aspects were discussed: the communicative competence concept developed by Hymes (1972), the language functions mentioned by Halliday (apud NEVES, 1998), the difference between linguistic skills and communicative abilities presented by Widdowson (1991), the communicative competence model proposed by Canale and Swain (apud RICHARDS; RENANDYA, 2002) who discuss the competences underlying the speaking proficiency and the communication strategies mentioned by Tarone (apud SCARCELLA; OXFORD, 1992) in the negotiation of meanings between teachers and students. To that end, a qualitative analysis of two audio-taped EL classes was made, presenting a report of their results on the teaching of oral communication. The results of the study demonstrated two different views on teaching the EL: one view based on the production of linguistic units in isolation from real language use; and another based on an integrated focus that demonstrates ability to use the knowledge of linguistic rules to communicate effectively. Therefore, communicative competence can be regarded as an effective strategy concerning the genuine quality of real communication.
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