Foreign languages, Digital inclusion, Teaching-learning processAbstract
This research aims to elucidate theoretical and practical issues related to educational experiences carried out at Centro Paula Souza, more specifically, at Fatec Itaquaquecetuba, in order to discuss issues regarding Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) held in different environments, although, complementary to each other: face-to-face and virtual classes. For this purpose, theoretical propositions concerning both materialities in which the phenomena occur were analyzed, the traditional classroom and virtual learning environments, as well as some virtual tools utilized in the project described on this paper. In order to enhance the theoretical discussion, the debate around the resources available on the Internet which are applied as a support for TEFL becomes indispensable, once there are strategies used both by teachers and students involved in this process, on a dialectic relation in which everyone can learn and teach in a certain way. The main references for this paper theoretical backgrounds were: WARSCHAUER (2007//2012/2014), LÉVY (2008), VYGOTSKY (1998), RAMAL (2002), WINDEATT; HARDISTY; EASTMENT (2008), SORJ (2003), NEWMAN; HOLZMAN (2002), FREIRE (2004), among others, contemplating themes such as the diverse learning contexts aforesaid, the vital role of teachers eliciting students interaction, also discussing the impact of the Internet on society and our daily routine. From this experience, it is possible to conclude that introducing the Internet as an educational instrument in the face-to-face English classes represents a new place for development of linguistic-communicative skills, engaging students in reaching opportunities of social inclusion – by interacting utilizing the target-language – and digital inclusion – by accessing the Internet to improve their studies, gathering information, favoring the building of knowledge and autonomy.
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