Writing and reading production, Critical literacy, Language activitiesAbstract
This work aims to encourage the reader to develop techniques that comprise an observation over analytical categories of oral and written texts productions applicable to text genres with the aim of facilitating the reading, taking the reader to a greater understanding of the content. It was realized that the application of the techniques above, through classes given on a workshop format, by Professor Master Luzimar Goulart Gouvea, in the University of Taubate (Unitau) and at Bragança Paulista’s College of Technology (Fatec-BP), using a variety of text genres, such as newspaper article, opinion and press-release, for students of Letters and Social Work courses could be adapted to the English language. Thus, the course was fully translated and presented in the English Language course by the student Maryslan Fabiana Pereira Zuchinalli in the 4th Meeting of the Portuguese Language Studies at the University of Taubaté (Unitau). It was noted that with the application of the techniques presented, such as objectivity, subjectivity, categorical statements and linguistic modalization, anaphora and cataphora among others, the student even not a speaker in the foreign language is capable not only to understand the central idea of the text as well realizing by means of a quick analysis, ideology contained in its corpus.
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