digital technologies, language teaching, multisseriate classesAbstract
In this report, we will cover the steps of the project “Italianando a San Paolo”, held in a multisseriate class Italian in CEL, which incorporated digital technology to everyday classes to boost the teaching-learning activities, help students to acquire autonomy in their learning, integrating their previous knowledge with those acquired in the course, develop the ability to work in group, understand the importance of inter-relate and confront the difficulties of this educational context. Each student chose a theme, conducted research and presented to the group; we, mediators, guided them in the construction of knowledge. Were realized individual and/or in group activities, oral presentation and discussion. The students participated actively, associated concepts and information, understood the importance of communication, reflected about construction of knowledge, interacted with colleagues, dealt with adversity and developed autonomous attitude in this process. The monitoring happened to meetings, technologies used ─ educational software, mobile technology, virtual community, e-mails and blogger ─ annotation, comments, videos and photos for all follow the implementation of the project and for evaluation. The results were positive for the students, the school community and academia, materializing in the reflection of education issues. The project was transformed into research and made changes for those involved.
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