Escrita colaborativa através do aplicativo popplet


  • Adriana Aparecida Souza Aguiar IFTM


English language, Collaborative writing, Digital Technologies



This work aims to show some benefits of blended learning through the integration of digital technologies to the initial proposal of the English language textbook. The theory is based on the concept of blended learning (THORNE, 2003), the notion of connectivism (SIEMENS, 2004) and the importance of collaborative work (Damiani, 2008). Thus, the study is carried out through the participation of students of a technical course in computer integrated into high school. These students are involved in a writing activity from the genre concept map through popplet application. The concept maps are hosted in a community on google + in order to provide the visualization of the classmates’ work and the inclusion of opinions on the activity performed. The results show that students involved have a more active participation, develop autonomy, learn to manage conflict, develop creativity etc. Thus, it is concluded that blended learning transforms and improves the quality of the teachinglearning process, since digital technologies are part of the reality of the contemporary world. Therefore, the involvement of students is more dynamic and experiences provide more meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, A. A. S. . (2017). Escrita colaborativa através do aplicativo popplet . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 333–344. etrieved from