teacher formation, language teaching, student educationAbstract
This research was developed under the São Paulo Sul and Santos Regional Supervision, considering teachers who teach languages in the twenty-seven units that composes the regional. The main theme selected was "Formation of language teachers for specific purposes" because it considers the formation of the instructor and his teaching experience of extreme importance when adopting pedagogical practices in the classroom. The teachers were asked to voluntarily participate in the study, which consisted of a questionnaire whose purpose was to investigate their formation; time of teaching experience; challenges faced in the technical education of students; teacher's view about the contribution of his curriculum component for future professionals' skills attainment; use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom; interest in improvement courses. The theoretical foundation of this research has looked at the studies of Isabel Alarcón (2010), Antonio Novoa (1995), Pedro Demo (2002), Bernadette Gatti (2009), Maurice Tardif (2002), José Libâneo (1994), among others exponents that reflect about the multifaceted dimension of teacher formation. Assuming the investigative bias, the acquired answers, in dialogue with the theoretical weight, resulted in an analysis that demonstrates the heterogeneity of the Centro Paula Souza's teachers. The study highlighted the imperative of teacher formation for the offer of quality education, and pointed to a critical reflection on the praxis of foreign language teachers in the twenty-first century, once, for teachers of modern languages, the classical education is not enough, but the improvement and the personal and professional experience in the language usage.
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