O Impacto do uso das Novas Tecnologias em Aulas de Inglês para cursos Tecnológicos


  • Margareth Ramos Teixeira Miyamoto Fatec São Caetano do Sul


Technology, English, Web


This article aims to discuss the use of new technologies in English classes for technological courses, as well as discuss the impact that such techniques produce in classes and how new technologies can help students improve their learning and skills using new technologies. Among these technologies are: web sites, online dictionaries, Skype, chatting, email, youtube, videos like Ted Talks, among others. The article aims to demonstrate, through a bibliographical review and an experience report, how the English language is a fundamental tool both in the academic world and in the business world.


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How to Cite

Miyamoto, M. R. T. . (2017). O Impacto do uso das Novas Tecnologias em Aulas de Inglês para cursos Tecnológicos . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 494–507. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1038