Tecnologia no Ensino de Língua Adicional: Personalização e Autonomia do aluno por meio de um modelo de Ensino Híbrido




blended learning, additional language teaching, digital technologies, personalized learning


This article aims to present and discuss a proposal of blended education to the additional language teaching in Brazil. Blended teaching, also known as one of the variations of "blended learning", consists of a blended methodology, mixed, focused on personalization, collaboration and use of digital technologies (Moran, 2015). In this sense, through a research-action, it was possible to discuss the reached results with this methodological proposal, and, particularly, the reached results involving an English language activity in which the students presented a better performance on tasks and development of their autonomy, which consequently led to the search for knowledge and an active participation of both the student and the teacher in the classroom.


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How to Cite

TANZI NETO , A., SCHNEIDER, F., & BACICH, L. (2017). Tecnologia no Ensino de Língua Adicional: Personalização e Autonomia do aluno por meio de um modelo de Ensino Híbrido . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 614–631. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1045