Uma experiência de educação: surdos do mercado de trabalho revisitando a Língua Portuguesa na presença da Libras
Deaf people, Portuguese language, LibrasAbstract
The project 'Use of Technology between Deaf and Listeners: response to learning of Libras from the challenges of the Faculties of Paula Center Technology Souza' proposed from 2013 to 2015, to assist the professional and educational inclusion of deaf researching Assistive Technologies supported in Libras. As a goal, the Portuguese language workshop for deaf was born as an attempt to dialogue with the labor market and to bring deaf people to the university environment. It was developed a partnership with the city of Barueri, through the Secretariat of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which helped granting of a Libras interpreter. There were six students, two classes per week for 4 months. The methodology had three axes as a foundation; use of narrative as a didactic tool for teaching of Portuguese; reading / interpretation; use of images as a means of addressing linguistic aspects relevant to the development of writing. social networks were used, Facebook and Whatsapp for sharing materials and interaction. As a result, the experience offered to students greater digital literacy. Explanations about the type of language used in these technologies were developed, the issue of formal language was addressed, also formal and cult norms. The formal language was used as a mean of education by offering real and meaningful dialogues.
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