Modeling the photo novel gender for languages lesson in the sociointerationalist perspective


  • Kathia Alexandra Lara Canizares ETEC. Dr. Domingos Minicucci Filho/Botucatu, do Centro Paula Souza, e de Língua Espanhola no Colégio La Salle/Botucatu.
  • Rosa Maria Manzoni Unesp/Bauru


Textual genres, Photo novel, Spanish teaching


With the objective of modeling the textual genre photo novel, by capacity of language, in the light of several theories (Enunciation, Discourse Genres, Sociodiscursive Interactionism Engineering), this bibliographic research was designed and carried out during the Teaching/Learning classes of the Professional Master's Degree Teaching for Basic Education, UNESP/Bauru. The capacity for action of the genre photo novel, with didactic purposes (Spanish lessons), hangs on the student in a school situation. The general plan of the text (discursive capacity) corresponds to frames separated by the gutter, speech bubble of the characters, subtitles and photographs. Narrative-dialogal textual sequence, since the type of discourse in the voice of the narrator is narration, of the narration order, autonomous; but in the voice of the characters the type is the interactive speech, of the order of exposure, implied. In the mechanisms of enunciation the management of voices is given by the narrator and by the characters. The metatextual elements are important for the understanding of the communicative intention.


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How to Cite

Canizares, K. A. L. ., & Manzoni, R. M. . (2017). Modeling the photo novel gender for languages lesson in the sociointerationalist perspective . evista BTecLE, 1(2), 132–150. etrieved from

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