O uso do aplicativo Duolingo em uma turma de Comércio Exterior na Faculdade de Tecnologia da Zona Leste de São Paulo
Teaching Learning Process, App Duolingo, TechnologyAbstract
This article aims to describe and analyse the use of the app Duolingo in a second semester group of the International Trade course at Faculdade de Tecnologia da São Paulo. It was analysed theories about teaching-learning process, use of technologies in the educational environment, the description of the app and its use as a support to teach English. Besides the bibliographic review, there was a comparative study analyzing students’ marks of two semesters using the app and also a brief description of other apps. Among the authors discussed in this study: Vygotsky (1998), Bahktin (1997), who understand language as a tool of interaction and transformation of the learners, it was also discussed the phenomenon of Internet in the society and its impacts in the everyday teaching-learning process
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