The professional Exchange program for young people – opportunities and benefits


  • Mariela Zebian Bassetti FERREIRA Faculdade de Tecnologia Waldyr Alceu Trigo – FATEC Sertãozinho, Sertãozinho/SP, Brasil
  • Kelly Tatiana MAXIMINO Faculdade de Tecnologia Waldyr Alceu Trigo – FATEC Sertãozinho, Sertãozinho/SP, Brasil
  • Danilo Trindade de OLIVEIRA Faculdade de Tecnologia Waldyr Alceu Trigo – FATEC Sertãozinho, Sertãozinho/SP, Brasil


Exchange program, Experience, Companies


In an exchange program you get knowledge from the culture of the chosen destination, generating an experience that adds value to personal and professional life. Therefore, this article aims to present the reasons why currently the professional exchange program is sought as a differential for the curriculum of the person, showing how some non-governmental organizations, such as AIESEC, assist those seeking for the experience and intermediate the person and the international companies. As a conclusion, this is an excellent tool for students wishing to prepare for the competition in the job market. In addition, there are proven advantages gotten from this experience, as well as opportunities arising from the knowledge gained through the exchange program, which significantly increases the exchange student’s network.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, M. Z. B. ., MAXIMINO, K. T. ., & OLIVEIRA, D. T. de . (2019). The professional Exchange program for young people – opportunities and benefits . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 194–205. etrieved from