
  • Leandro Romual da Silva Centro Paula Souza - Upep
  • Rodrigo Avella RAMIREZ
  • Luis Fernando Muller da SILVA
  • Thiago da Silva VIEIRA


English language; professional education; identity; teacher education; technologies.


In a context of teaching professional development, this article aims to characterize the profile of the English language teacher inserted in the scope of professional education. To do so, it resorts to the analysis of the Course Plan and the Teacher Hiring Process of the Instrumental English teacher working in the Modular Technical Course in Logistics at ETEC, linked to CEETEPS. Document analysis also includes the technological knowledge that future teachers need to masterfully conduct their teaching. We will start from the historical context of language teaching in vocational education and authors who deal with identity formation. The results indicate that the English language teacher's teaching professional development is eminently linked to his teaching practice, having to revisit his teaching identity in order to have a performance consistent with the technical concepts of each course in which the teacher will work.

KEYWORDS: English language; professional education; identity; teacher education; technologies.


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How to Cite

Romual da Silva, L., Avella RAMIREZ, R., Fernando Muller da SILVA , L., & da Silva VIEIRA , T. (2023). PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TECHNOLOGIES: KNOWLEDGE FOR TEACHING. evista BTecLE, 7(2), 043–062. etrieved from

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