

Diário de Bordo, Memória Individual e Coletiva, Crenças e Emoções, Identidade Docente.


This article aims to analyze the diary produced by a undergrad student in teacher education, the first author, during her participation in the (Tele)tandem project. The focus of the study lies in investigating how individual and collective memory, as well as beliefs and emotions, can influence the identity construction of the future educator. To this end, the research was conducted based on the works of Romero (2008; 2020), Dorneles and Irala (2013), Zabalza (2004), Aragão and Cajazeira (2017), Telles and Vassallo (2006), among other educators. The study is characterized as qualitative, as the investigation seeks to reflect on the identity construction process of the researcher-diarist, regarding the understanding of the meanings of her experiences as expressed in her writings. The results suggest that, by reflecting on the teaching-learning process through her diary, the researcher undergoes significant transformations in her teaching identity, such as to analyze and reflect on their emotions, and the impact they have on their actions, reinforcing the importance of using journals as a reflective tool for the training of future teachers.


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How to Cite

Mesquita da Silva, D., & Regina de Souza Romero, T. (2024). FROM STUDENT TO TEACHER: REPORTS FROM A STUDENT TEACHER IN A (TELE)TANDEM PROJECT. evista BTecLE, 8(2). etrieved from