
  • Felipe Charles Olegário Cassimiro Faculdade IBRA


Autoestudo, Língua Inglesa, Listening, Vídeos curtos


The present work aimed to explore effective techniques of self-study in the English language, aiming to strengthen students' learning. Learning a new language, especially through self-study, can present unique challenges. However, by adopting specific strategies and implementing proven techniques, students can maximize their learning progress and achieve their English language proficiency goals. The main strategies are short videos and listening. In addition, it also addresses the use of brief tips, such as: setting goals, organizing study time, regular practice of the new language, object of study and continuous evaluation of progress. It is considered, therefore, that by putting into practice such strategies consistently, students can strengthen their learning in the English language.


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How to Cite

Olegário Cassimiro, F. C. (2024). TÉCNICAS DE AUTOESTUDO NA LÍNGUA INGLESA: ESTRATÉGIAS PARA O FORTALECIMENTO DA APRENDIZAGEM. evista BTecLE, 8(2), 271–282. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1206