Keywords: Critical Review; Systemic Functional Linguistics; Appraisal System; Evaluation.Abstract
Abstract: The genre of critical reviews aims at informing the reader of a given review about a film or TV series, besides offering specialized recommendation of the worth(lessness) of watching it. The evaluation is usually co-authored by the publication editor and by the reader, who brings his own view of the world to make sense of the piece being evaluated. This article aims at presenting the result of the analysis of the evaluation observed in the critical review of the TV series “The Rehearsal” written by the journalist Patricia Kogut for the O Globo newspaper. The analysis, supported by the Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2014) and by the Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), shows the use of evaluative resources belonging to the subsystem of attitude and its judgement and appreciation resources. In parallel, it is also possible to observe the use of narratives as a way to add further evaluative instances (LABOV, 1972; CORTAZZI; Jim, 2001). When faced with some difficulty in classifying the series, the journalist resorts to the use of attitudinal tokens and to have the reader co-author the evaluation.
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