
  • Graziela Pigatto Bohn Fatec Praia Grande
  • Letícia Esteves de Lima Fidalgo Liceu Santista e Universidade Católica de Santos


Active Methodologies; Affective Filter; English


This research seeks to analyze the influence of the affective filter hypothesis (Krashen, 1982) on the process of learning a new language, investigating the introduction of playful activities and active methodologies as pedagogical instruments that facilitate the reduction of the affective filter, which can contribute students' motivation. The aim of the work is to contribute to discussions about the affective filter and its relationship with motivation in the learning process, and to determine whether a more receptive environment for students can reduce this filter, based on the hypothesis that the introduction of engaging and active methodologies in pedagogical approaches can facilitate and enhance learning. The analysis results from a survey with English language teachers, obtained through a questionnaire via the Google Forms platform, which allowed us to analyse the influence of the affective filter and the role of motivation in the process. The results obtained indicate that motivation during classes can help students' engagement, and therefore, with the reduction of the affective filter, learning English as a foreign language can be empowered. Furthermore, the study allows the proposal of a third motivation for learning English, which is called pedagogical motivation.

Author Biography

Letícia Esteves de Lima Fidalgo, Liceu Santista e Universidade Católica de Santos

Research assistant at the Catholic University of Santos. 


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How to Cite

Bohn, G. P., & Fidalgo, L. E. de L. (2024). O PAPEL DAS METODOLOGIAS ATIVAS E ATIVIDADES LÚDICAS COMO MECANISMOS REDUTORES DO FILTRO AFETIVO NA APRENDIZAGEM DA LÍNGUA INGLESA. evista BTecLE, 8(2), 212–227. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1216