Inclusion of Students with Specific Necessities on Regular School’s English Classes


  • Maiana Monteiro Gonçalves DIAS Faculdade Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo/SP, Brasil


Specific Educational Needs, English Language, Teachers, Inclusion, Teaching


In the challenge of including thrue teaching practice of English language in regular classrooms and facing the teaching concerns, we aimed to dialogue with English language professionals in their teaching practice and understand how they perceive their performance in fostering learning, as well as understanding possible approaches to the temporality of the English language curriculum designed for the typical learner to work for the learner with specific educational needs. We sought to interpret the relationships established between the teacher, the student, and the school community, through a questionnaire about the current educational practice in the city of São Paulo, from the English teacher point of view regarding students with disabilities, which addresses not only the gaps in the orientation to teaching practice, but also the lack of specific guidelines in the official documents and the main difficulties found in the teacher's daily life.


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How to Cite

DIAS, M. M. G. . (2021). Inclusion of Students with Specific Necessities on Regular School’s English Classes . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 326–340. etrieved from