The interference of the graphophonemic correspondences of Portuguese as a Mother Tongue in the graphophonemic correspondences of English as a Foreign Language


  • Tabata Martins Rubim SOARES Faculdade Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo/SP, Brasil


Graphophonemic Correspondence, Pronunciation, Phonological Transfer, List of words


The present article reports the research made from reading aloud a list of words in English by students ranging from 9 and 10 years of age from a public school in São Paulo. The purpose of the study was to analyze the interference of Portuguese (as a mother tongue) on the English (as a foreign language) in the children’s performance regarding the letter-sound relations in both languages. For this, 24-word readings were analyzed for each of the 20 students, based on 4 graphemes present in both languages (-s, -l, -g and –ch). After analyzing these data, it was noticed that the rules already consolidated on the graphophonemic correspondences (lettersound) in Portuguese influenced directly the oral production of reading the words in English. It was verified that the patterns of the mother tongue create rules for the reading of words not so frequent or common for the learners and this is aggravated by the fact that Portuguese seems to be more transparent in its relations between grapheme-phoneme than English, which has more sounds to represent each grapheme.


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How to Cite

SOARES, T. M. R. . (2021). The interference of the graphophonemic correspondences of Portuguese as a Mother Tongue in the graphophonemic correspondences of English as a Foreign Language . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 249–268. etrieved from