Playful practices in the process of teaching English to children: the importance of games in English Language teaching and learning for children in elementary I
Playfulness, Teaching, English, KidsAbstract
Education is the action of continuously polishing human intellectual resources. Starting from the principle that playing occurs in children's daily life and that is a necessity for the child, to think about activities that provide moments of interaction related to a direction focused on learning a second language, in this case, English, encourages participation, communication and socialization. This article aims to present a reflection on the use of playful practices in the teaching of English language for children in elementary school I, showing the importance of using games in English language teaching and learning process, based on researchers who defend teaching through playful activities, and how these practices can contribute to the integral development of the student, with meaningful learning with the child as the protagonist, expanding their social and cognitive skills and with the teacher in a mediating role.
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