Needs analysis for deaf students of high school to english classes in a public school
Questionnaire, Needs analysis, Deaf students, Students with special pedagogical needsAbstract
This present work seeks to build a needs analysis questionnaire that provides teachers important data regarding to deaf students. Aim to guide their pedagogical practice and construct awareness of English Language knowledge as a foreign language to reach them. It’s relevant to search how to present significative classes to special students who are increasing and present in the public school at High School or at young and adult education system. According to the Brazilian Law for school inclusion, we find the law number 13.146 of July 2015 states the importance and assurance of conditions of accessibility, participation and learning to people with disabilities. Therefore, it’s very important to be prepared with a tool that extracts the needs of this specific deaf students. Due to this need after to know what they need, we can create, improve, and adapt activities to achieve this group of students with special education needs.
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