The Use of Google Translate as a Tool for Text Comprehension in Public State Schools


  • Eliane de Almeida FERNANDES Faculdade Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo/SP, Brasil


Google Translate, Reading strategies, Technology, Learning


Since we live in the technological age, the use of Google Translate as the only tool used for comprehension of texts in English may cause some frustration in contemporary students. This article aims to present reading strategies related to the use of Google Translate in English classes. The research was done using the qualitative methodology, from observations made in a public state school. Most of the students had already used Google Translate, although they showed interest in learning new apps resources and usages. Google Translate can be an auxiliary in English classes as long as it is used together with reading strategies and led by the teacher.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, E. de A. (2021). The Use of Google Translate as a Tool for Text Comprehension in Public State Schools. evista BTecLE, 5(1), 397–411. etrieved from