The writing process for large classes through narrative reinterpretations
: Reinterpretations, Writing, Language, DiscourseAbstract
This article’s objective is to comprehend the writing process for large classes through narrative reinterpretations. Thus, during the preparation of a text the students should be taken to understand who they are writing for, what reasons led them to writing, and which discursive form is appropriate to the communicative situation. The results, obtained from this article’s research indicate that the methodology offered acknowledge writing as a social interaction; being so to consider language as discourse is, above all to acknowledge dialogism. Therefore, from the premise that to gain a better understanding of the writing process (Ex. is necessary to acknowledge dialogism), the study of methodological strategies is fundamental. The methodology used in the development of this work was action research with an ethnographic basis through a qualitative paradigma. According to Tripp, (2005, p.447 apud GRUNDY;KEMMIS,1982), “action research is a formo f action research that uses established techniques to inform the action that you decide to take to improve the practice”.In this way,this formo f research is suitable for allowing the teacher to build his practices in the classroom and, at the same time, reflect and act with intervention in a reflexive way When necessary.
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