Digital literacy: necessary digital skills and diagnostic tools applied to teaching training


  • Thais Lari Braga CILLI UNESP, Bauru, Brasil e CEETEPS, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Cassia Leticia Carrara DOMICIANO UNESP, Bauru, Brasil


Teacher Training, Technology in Education, Digital Literacy, Diagnostic Tool, Digital Skills


Communication among professors and students increasingly depends on the level of digital literacy on both sides, given the difficulties faced by Education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article aims to present a study carried out by the European Committee - European Union, which results in a framework to identify the digital literacy status of individuals, as well as to point out ways for its improvement. It is proposed, for future research, the use of the Test Ikanos tool, a free self-diagnostic test to identify the level of digital literacy, so that teachers or students in a national context can assess themselves. This tool, as well as other available resources, can be used by individuals, organizations, educational institutions and research bodies, in order to measure the levels of digital literacy, aiming its optimization.


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How to Cite

CILLI, T. L. B., & DOMICIANO, C. L. C. (2021). Digital literacy: necessary digital skills and diagnostic tools applied to teaching training . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 041–058. etrieved from